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Physics 125 - Spring 2002
Click on Lec. # for Scanned Notes in pdf
Lec. #DateTopicsReadingProblems
FinalM, 6/1012-3pm Mean was 105/142, Standard deviation was 15Solutions
21W, 6/5No Lecture
20M, 6/3No Lecture
19F, 5/31Solar Neutrinos Solar Neutrinos by K. Nakamura from the PDG; Neutrino Mass by B. Kayser from the BDG; John Bahcall, source of several of the plots in the lecture notes, and also keeper of a delightful set of web pages on solar neutrinos.Problem Set 8, due Friday, 6/7, Solutions
18W, 5/29Feynman Rules in ABC Theory pp. 201-210
17F, 5/24Decay Rates, Cross Sections from the Golden Rule pp. 194-201; Notes on Fermi's Golden Rule from Roy Schwitters at UT Austin.
16W, 5/22Baryon Magnetic Modments, Cross Sections pp. 189-195Problem Set 7, due Wed 5/29, Solutions
15M, 5/20Mesons, Baryons pp. 168-182
14W, 5/15Addition of Angular Momentum pp. 107-113 Problem Set 6, due Wed 5/22, Solutions
13M, 5/13Hyperfine Splittings, midterm review pp. 156-158,168-172,Griffiths AJP Paper on the Hyperfine Term, midt. soln.
12 W, 5/8 Midterm Lectures 1-10 Mean was 74/100, standard deviation was 17 solutions
11M, 5/6Time Evolution in Spin-1/2, Hyperfine Splittings pp. 156-158,168-172,Griffiths AJP Paper on the Hyperfine Term
10W, 5/1Stern Gerlach, Spin-1/2 Problem Set 5: (gif[1,2) ; pdf) Due 5/13, Solutions
9M, 4/29Finish Relativistic Kinematics; Magnetic Moments From Purcell, Electricity and Magnetism: [1] [2]
8F, 4/26Relativistic Kinematics Ch. 3
7W, 4/24Finish #6, Relativity Ch. 3Problem Set 4: (gif,pdf) Due 5/1, Solutions
6M, 4/22Gluons, Interquark attraction Ch. 2
5M, 4/15Feynman, Antimatter, Branching Ratios, Exponential Decay. Tables from PDG: D0,D+, CKM Ch. 2Problem Set 3: (gif,pdf) Due 4/24, Solutions
4W, 4/10Poisson, Feynman Diagrams Ch. 2
3M, 4/8More Numbers, Sizes; Cross Sections. Ch. 2Problem Set 2: (gif,pdf) Due 4/17
2W, 4/3Numbers, Sizes Ch. 1
1M, 4/1The New Periodic Tables [1(gif) , 2(gif)], Hadrons, SUSY Ch. 1 Problem Set 1: (gif,pdf) Due 4/10

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hnn@hep.ucsb.edu 6/17/02