[HEP People]
![[Harry N. Nelson]](./hntop.gif)
I am a Professor of Physics.
Physics 128L, Fall 2018
My teaching interests have been quantum mechanics,
particle physics, introductory
lower division physics, and senior lab.
My research
interests are particle detectors, decays of heavy quarks,
CP violation, and searches for new particles, particularly dark matter.
I have served in UCSB's Faculty Legislature, on various university
committees, and on a variety of Physics Department Committees.
Many of my interests are well discovered by following the links below...
Physics 128L, Spring 2018
Physics 128L, Winter 2018
Physics 128L, Winter 2017
Physics 25, Spring 2012
Physics 24, Winter 2012
Physics 150 Notes, week of 10/10/11
1912 AAA Maps of California El Camino Real, North to South
1912 AAA Maps of California El Camino Real, South to North
Physics 22, Spring 2011
Physics 21, Winter 2011
Physics 20, Fall 2010
Physics 125, Spring 2010
Physics 115C, Fall 2009
Physics 125, Spring 2009
Physics 225b, Winter 2009
Physics 225a, Fall 2008
Physics 25, Spring 2008
Physics 24, Winter 2008
Physics 23, Fall 2007
Physics 22, Spring 2007
Physics 21, Winter 2007
Physics 25, Spring 2006
Physics 24, Winter 2006
Physics 23, Fall 2005
Physics 22, Spring 2005
Physics 21, Winter 2005
Magic Lantern Theater and Obscenity
Feb. 19, 2003 IV Supervisor's Debate Quiz on IV
Physics 23, Fall 2003
Cloud Chambers
Physics 115b, Spring 2003
Physics 115a, Winter 2003
Maps of the Historical Goleta Slough
Physics 115c, Fall 2002
Physics 125, Spring 2002
An Old Photo with Paul Cayard
Physics 125, Spring 2001
Physics 225A, Fall 1999
Physics 2, Spring 1999
B-Factory Commissioning
Physics 6B, Winter 1999
Physics 6C, Spring 1998
David Asner's talk
at the APS April 1998 Meeting.
Wrong Sign D Group
CESR Luminosity Status
CLEO's current: vertex resolution: (gif,ps) ; particle ID: (gif
Direct CP violation in B- -> h-h-h+:
K pi pi ,
pi pi pi.
CP violation in B->D*
pi ; references
A New Measurement of the B->D*pi Branching Fractions:
Physics Review Letters ,
CLNS 97/1485 (March 1998),
Los Alamos preprint server. CLEO CBX 95-08 on the reconstruction technique.
B->D(*)pi(*) Strong Phase Shift Limits
(postscript); this has now been done
more formally by Suzuki; here is a longer
An idea about x-Energy correlations in CESR, probably the
effect is a bit smaller than guessed at here...
Physics 6B, Winter 1998
Plot of photoabsorption of Propane, measured,
and for assumption of atomic additivity (no molecular delocalization)
Kumac to compute effective Luminosity
bonus from k/pi separation as a function of Background/Signal
Plot of expected dE/dx versus momentum
in the Helium/Propane mix of CLEO2/SVX's DR
(ps); similar plot
versus beta*gamma (ps).
Plot of error computed on delta-M (for D*-D)
from simulation
v. D* momentum in CLEO2/SVX and CLEO2
(ps). Due to non-Gaussian distributions,
the results of a
double-Gaussian fit
(ps) are a bit different.
Plot the mean number of CLEO drift chamber
wires struck by the slow pi from D* decay, v. D* momentum, as well as
the probability of missing all wires v. D* momentum,
from simulation, for CLEO2/SVX
Plot of measured error on delta-M
v. computed error on delta-M (for D*-D) in CLEO2/SVX, from 1.5fb-1 of data
Plot showing the Delta-M (for
D*-D) resolution in CLEO2/SVX, from 1.5fb-1 of data
Plot showing time evolution
of B0bar>D*+pi- decays, at the Upsilon(4s), for both
wrong and right sign tags
Plot showing sensitivity of CLEO 2/SVX
to D0-D0Bar mixing, keeping the previous CLEO 2 wrong sign
rate fixed at R=0.0077 (ps); and
here assuming that the
Doubly Cabibbo Suppressed Decay (DCSD) rate is fixed
at tan^4(theta_c)
CLEO 2.5 Silicon noise versus readout timing (also
in postscript). An ADC count is about 80 electrons;
the dE/dx distribution peaks at 20000 electrons.
CLEO-2.5 Silicon Status Page
Heavy Flavors 1997
Presentation at the DOE Subpanel Meeting,
6/23/97 at Berkeley
Physics 6C 1997
Journal Club type lunch talk,
4/29/97 at the ITP
Physics 6B, Winter 1997
Final Draft of Babar SVT Mechanical Review
SVX Installed on Beampipe(EPS, 110kB)
SVX Clamshell 2 arrives at Cornell(EPS, 290kB)
Information on and Images of the CLEO-II Silicon Vertex Detector (about 50 KB in 14 small GIFs)
Physics 2, Spring 1995
Recent physics research plot
On Academic Conduct
My page on Clearview
Images of Famous Physicists
An ad showing one of the electronic
hybrid circuits (next to `eV products') used in an early stage
of our project.
Infrared satellite
movie, 250 KB long,
of the storm that
set an all-time record for rainfall in Santa Barbara
(1/10/95). It is a sequence of 16 stills, taken from
midnight 1/10/95 through 3pm on that day.
Taken from
[HEP People]
hnn at hep.physics.ucsb.edu