[Harry Nelson]
[HEP People]
CLEO-II Silicon Vertex Detector
silicon vertex detector is a particle
detector, used to make very precise reconstruction
of the trajectories of charged particles that are
produced in electron-positron collisions. When
complete, the device will be installed in the
electron-positron storage ring at Cornell University
in Ithaca, New York.
The research for, design of, construction of, and
exploitation of this device in particle physics
research is the result of a collaboration of
institutions including
Caltech, Cornell, Harvard, Illinois, IPP,
Oklahoma, OSU, Purdue, and UCSB.
The device itself is under construction at UCSB. The
UCSB team includes Kirk Arndt,
Anton Eppich, Jeff Gronberg, Klaus Habermeier, Dave Hale,
Chris Korte, Susanne Kyre, Rolly Morrison,
Tim Nelson, Karl Runde, Hiro Tajima, and myself.
More information on the project can be found
here .
These are a schematic, and a parameter table, for the device:
(JPEG 79 KB;
Postscript 109 KB)
Schematic of the detector.
Click on the small image to get the larger image.
(JPEG 145 KB;
Postscript 234 KB)
Parameter table for the detector.
An Octant
These are color photos of the first 1/8 of the device, known
as an octant:
(62 KB)
Octant Side View
(69 KB)
Octant End View
(80 KB)
Side View, Closer
(104 KB)
Side View, Closer
(113 KB)
Close up of Hybrid
Our colleagues at the Wilson Lab has taken data from the
device in the pictures above, with cosmic ray muons. Here
are displays of an event:
(28 KB)
R-phi View, after clustering
(24 KB)
Close up, prior to clustering, noise evident
Octants in the Clamshell
These are snapshots, taken on 12/9/94 and 12/12/94 with a polaroid camera,
of the installation of octants
into the supporting half-cylinder, known as the clamshell:
(139 KB)
One can see the first octant, mounted on a holding fixture; the carbon
fiber half-cylinder is above, and is affixed to a movable
surface, which can be placed with precision of about 0.001". The
half-cylinder is about to be lowered down on to the octant.
When that is done, the octant will be fastened to the half-cylinder.
(109 KB)
This picture shows Dave Hale at the controls as he lifts the
half-cylinder, with octant now attached inside, up. Susanne
Kyre is also shown.
(84 KB)
Here, one is looking up into the half-cylinder, after a second
octant has been installed. The silicon detectors, mounted on
the greenish kevlar u-channels, as well as the white hybrids
and brownish flex circuits are visible.
(97 KB JPEG,
362 KB GIF)
(94 KB JPEG,
366 KB GIF)
(94 KB JPEG,
363 KB GIF)
The three images above show 3 octants in the clamshell.
- The clamshell, with all 4 octants installed, was shipped to
the Wilson Lab at Cornell, on December 19, 1994.
[Harry Nelson]
[HEP People]