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ODMB_VME Entity Reference

ODMB7 VME (slow control) module. More...

Inheritance diagram for ODMB_VME:


Behavioral  architecture



Use Clauses



NCFEB  integer range 1 to 7 := 7


CLK160   in std_logic
 160 MHz clock used by SUSTEM_TEST for dcfeb prbs test.
CLK40   in std_logic
 40 MHz "fastclk" used for numerous purposes by VMEMON, VMECONFREGS, SYSTEM_TEST, COMMAND_MODULE, and SPI_CTRL
CLK10   in std_logic
 10 MHz "midclk" currently unused
CLK2P5   in std_logic
 2.5 MHz "slowclk" used for most slow control logic
CLK1P25   in std_logic
 1.25 MHz "slowclk" used by CFEBJTAG, SYSTEM_MON, and LVDBMON
VME_DATA_IN   in std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 )
 VME data input signal used by all modules.
VME_DATA_OUT   out std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 )
 VME data output signal multiplexed from all modules.
VME_GAP_B   in std_logic
 VME geographical address (VME slot) parity. Checked by COMMAND_MODULE.
VME_GA_B   in std_logic_vector ( 4 downto 0 )
 VME geographical address signal. Checked by COMMAND_MODULE.
VME_ADDR   in std_logic_vector ( 23 downto 1 )
 VME address (command). Processed by COMMAND_MODULE and relevant bits passed to other modules as 'cmd'.
VME_AM   in std_logic_vector ( 5 downto 0 )
 VME address modifier. Checked by COMMAND_MODULE.
VME_AS_B   in std_logic
 VME address strobe. Checked by COMMAND_MODULE.
VME_DS_B   in std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0 )
 VME data strobe. Checked by COMMAND_MODULE and passed to other modules as 'strobe'.
VME_LWORD_B   in std_logic
 VME data word length. Checked by COMMAND_MODULE.
VME_WRITE_B   in std_logic
 VME write/read signal used by all modules.
VME_IACK_B   in std_logic
 VME interrupt acknowledge. Checked by COMMAND_MODULE.
VME_BERR_B   in std_logic
 VME bus error indicator. Checked by COMMAND_MODULE.
VME_SYSFAIL_B   in std_logic
 VME system failure indicator. Checked by COMMAND_MODULE.
VME_DTACK_B   out std_logic
 VME data acknowledge. Output is the not of the OR of the DTACK signals from each module.
VME_OE_B   out std_logic
 VME output enable. Generated by COMMAND_MODULE.
VME_DIR_B   out std_logic
 VME input/output direction. Generated by COMMAND_MODULE.
DCFEB_TCK   out std_logic_vector ( NCFEB downto 1 )
 DCFEB JTAG test clock signal from CFEBJTAG module.
DCFEB_TMS   out std_logic
 DCFEB JTAG test mode select signal from CFEBJTAG module.
DCFEB_TDI   out std_logic
 DCFEB JTAG test data in signal from CFEBJTAG module.
DCFEB_TDO   in std_logic_vector ( NCFEB downto 1 )
 DCFEB JTAG test data out signal to CFEBJTAG module.
DCFEB_DONE   in std_logic_vector ( NCFEB downto 1 )
 DCFEB programming done signal. Monitored by VMEMON module.
DCFEB_INITJTAG   in std_logic
 Signal generated by top module when DCFEBs finish programming. Used by CFEBJTAG to reset DCFEB JTAG state machine.
DCFEB_REPROG_B   out std_logic
 DCFEB reprogram signal generated by VMEMON module.
LVMB_PON   out std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0 )
 Power-on signals to LVMB. Set by LVDBMON module.
PON_LOAD_B   out std_logic
 Signal to write LVMB_PON to LVMB. Generated by LVDBMON module.
PON_OE   out std_logic
 Output enable for LVMB_PON, fixed to 1.
R_LVMB_PON   in std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0 )
 Power-on signals from LVMB. Monitored by LVDBMON.
LVMB_CSB   out std_logic_vector ( 6 downto 0 )
 LVMB monitor ADC SPI chip select signal. Generated by LVDBMON.
LVMB_SCLK   out std_logic
 LVMB monitor ADC SPI clock signal. Generated by LVDBMON.
LVMB_SDIN   out std_logic
 LVMB monitor ADC SPI input signal. Generated by LVDMBMON.
LVMB_SDOUT   in std_logic
 LVMB monitor ADC SPI output signal. Monitored by LVDBMON.
OTMB   in std_logic_vector ( 35 downto 0 )
 OTMB data signals, used by SYSTEM_TEST for OTMB PRBS test.
RAWLCT   in std_logic_vector ( NCFEB - 1 downto 0 )
 OTMB local charged track signals, used by SYSTEM_TEST for OTMB PRBS test.
OTMB_DAV   in std_logic
 OTMB data available signal, used by SYSTEM_TEST for OTMB PRBS test.
OTMB_FF_CLK   in std_logic
RSVTD_IN   in std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 3 )
 OTMB reserved to DMB output signals, used by SYSTEM_TEST for OTMB PRBS test.
RSVTD_OUT   out std_logic_vector ( 2 downto 0 )
 OTMB reserved to DMB input signals, generated by SYSTEM_TEST for OTMB PRBS test.
LCT_RQST   out std_logic_vector ( 2 downto 1 )
 Local charge track request signal, generated by SYSTEM_TEST for OTMB PRBS test.
FW_RESET   out std_logic
 Signal from VMEMON used to generate soft reset.
L1A_RESET_PULSE   out std_logic
 Signal from VMEMON used to reset L1A counter.
OPT_RESET_PULSE   out std_logic
 Signal from VMEMON used to generate reset to optical firmware.
TEST_INJ   out std_logic
 Signal from VMEMON to CALIBTRIG used to generate calibration INJPLS to DCFEBs.
TEST_PLS   out std_logic
 Signal from VMEMON to CALIBTRIG used to generate calibration EXTPLS to DCFEBs.
TEST_BC0   out std_logic
 Signal from VMEMON used to generate bunch crossing 0 synchronization signal to DCFEBs.
TEST_PED   out std_logic
 Signal from VMEMON that causes OTMB data to be requested for each L1A (pedestal).
TEST_LCT   out std_logic
 Signal from VMEMON used to generate an L1A to ODMB_CTRL.
MASK_L1A   out std_logic_vector ( NCFEB downto 0 )
 Signal from VMEMON that masks L1A and L1A matches.
MASK_PLS   out std_logic
 Signal from VMEMON that masks DCFEB INJPLS and EXTPLS signals.
ODMB_CAL   out std_logic
 Signal from VMEMON that sets calibration mode in TRIGCTRL (L1A generated with each INJPLS).
MUX_DATA_PATH   out std_logic
 Signal from VMEMON that selects whether data comes from real boards or is simulated data.
MUX_TRIGGER   out std_logic
 Signal from VMEMON that selects if trigger signals (L1A, LCT) are external or from TESTCTRL.
MUX_LVMB   out std_logic
 Signal from VMEMON that selects if LVMB communication is to real board or simulated LVMB.
ODMB_PED   out std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0 )
 Pedestal signal from VMEMON that generates L1A matches for all L1As when enabled.
ODMB_DATA   in std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 )
 General data signal to VMEMON for monitoring various signals.
ODMB_DATA_SEL   out std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0 )
 ODMB_DATA selector signal from VMEMON.
LCT_L1A_DLY   out std_logic_vector ( 5 downto 0 )
 VMECONFREGS register controlling LCT delay in CALIBTRG.
CABLE_DLY   out integer range 0 to 1
 VMECONFERGS register controlling delay for DCFEB bound signals (L1A,L1A_MATCH,RESYNC,BC0) in top level.
OTMB_PUSH_DLY   out integer range 0 to 63
 VMECONFREGS register controlling delay between OTMBDAV and pushing to the FIFO in TRGCNTRL.
ALCT_PUSH_DLY   out integer range 0 to 63
 VMECONFREGS register controlling delay between ALCTDAV and pushing to the FIFO in TRGCNTRL.
BX_DLY   out integer range 0 to 4095
 VMECONFREGS register that would be used in counting bunch crossings in CAFIFO, but actually unused.
INJ_DLY   out std_logic_vector ( 4 downto 0 )
 VMECONFREGS register controlling delay for calibration INJPULSE in CALIBTRG.
EXT_DLY   out std_logic_vector ( 4 downto 0 )
 VMECONFREGS register controlling delay for calibration EXTPULSE in CALIBTRG.
CALLCT_DLY   out std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0 )
 VMECONFREGS register controlling delay for calibration LCT in CALIBTRG.
ODMB_ID   out std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 )
 VMECONFREGS register storing unique ODMB ID.
NWORDS_DUMMY   out std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 )
 VMECONFREGS register controlling the number of words generated by dummy DCFEBs/ALCT/OTMB.
KILL   out std_logic_vector ( NCFEB + 2 downto 1 )
 VMECONFREGS register controlling which boards (ALCT/OTMB/DCFEBs) should be ignored.
CRATEID   out std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0 )
 VMECONFREGS register with VME crate ID, used by CONTROL_FSM in packet generation.
CHANGE_REG_DATA   in std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 )
 Signals to VMECONFREGS to auto-kill bad boards, new value for KILL.
CHANGE_REG_INDEX   in integer range 0 to NREGS
 Signals to VMECONFREGS to auto-kill bad boards, will only ever be 7(KILL) or NREGS(none).
CNFG_DATA_IN   in std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 4 )
 SPI data signal from secondary PROM to SPI_INTERFACE.
CNFG_DATA_OUT   out std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 4 )
 SPI data signal to secondary PROM from SPI_INTERFACE.
CNFG_DATA_DIR   out std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 4 )
 SPI data direction signal for secondary PROM from SPI_INTERFACE.
PROM_CS2_B   out std_logic
 SPI chip select to secondary PROM from SPI_INTERFACE.
MGT_PRBS_TYPE   out std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0 )
 DDU/SPY/DCFEB/ALCT Common PRBS type select from SYSTEM_TEST.
DDU_PRBS_TX_EN   out std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0 )
 DDU PRBS transmitter enable signal from SYSTEM_TEST. Unused.
DDU_PRBS_RX_EN   out std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0 )
 DDU PRBS receiver enable signal from SYSTEM_TEST to MGT_DDU.
DDU_PRBS_TST_CNT   out std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 )
DDU_PRBS_ERR_CNT   in std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 )
 DDU PRBS errors reported signal to SYSTEM_TEST from MGT_DDU.
SPY_PRBS_TX_EN   out std_logic_vector ( 0 downto 0 )
 SPY transmitter enable signal from SYSTEM_TEST to MGT_SPY.
SPY_PRBS_RX_EN   out std_logic_vector ( 0 downto 0 )
 SPY receiver enable signal from SYSTEM_TEST to MGT_SPY.
SPY_PRBS_TST_CNT   out std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 )
SPY_PRBS_ERR_CNT   in std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 )
 SPY PRBS errors reported signal to SYSTEM_TEST from MGT_SPY.
DCFEB_PRBS_FIBER_SEL   out std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0 )
 Selector for fiber used in DCFEB PRBS test from SYSTEM_TEST. Unused.
DCFEB_PRBS_EN   out std_logic
 DCFEB PRBS enable signal from SYSTEM_TEST. Unused.
DCFEB_PRBS_RST   out std_logic
 DCFEB PRBS reset signal from SYSTEM_TEST. Unused.
DCFEB_PRBS_RD_EN   out std_logic
 DCFEB PRBS read enable signal from SYSTEM_TEST. Unused.
DCFEB_RXPRBSERR   in std_logic
 DCFEB PRBS RX error signal. Unused.
DCFEB_PRBS_ERR_CNT   in std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 )
 DCFEB PRBS errors reported signal to SYSTEM_TEST from MGT_CFEB.
SYSMON_P   in std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 )
 Current monitoring analog signals from ICs to SYSTEM_MON.
SYSMON_N   in std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 )
 Current monitoring analog signals from ICs to SYSTEM_MON.
ADC_CS_B   out std_logic_vector ( 4 downto 0 )
 SPI chip select signals from SYSTEM_MON to voltage monitor ADCs.
ADC_DIN   out std_logic
 SPI data input signal from SYSTEM_MON to voltage monitor ADCs.
ADC_SCK   out std_logic
 SPI clock signal from SYSTEM_MON to voltage monitor ADCs.
ADC_DOUT   in std_logic
 SPI data output signal to SYSTEM_MON from voltage monitor ADCs.
DIAGOUT   out std_logic_vector ( 17 downto 0 )
 Debug signal.
RST   in std_logic
 Firmware soft reset signal from top level.
PON_RESET   in std_logic
 Power-on reset signal from top level, currenly unused.

Detailed Description

ODMB7 VME (slow control) module.

ODMB7 module that processes slow control commands from the VMEbus backplane This module contains several 'device' submodules dedicated to certain types of commands The commands for device X take the for XYYY. The devices are:

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