VME device that acts as user interface to EPROM. More...
Entities | |
SPI_PORT_Arch | architecture |
Libraries | |
ieee | |
work | |
Use Clauses | |
UNISIM.vcomponents.all | |
work.Latches_Flipflops.all | |
ieee.std_logic_1164.all | |
ieee.numeric_std.all | |
work.ucsb_types.all |
Ports | |
SLOWCLK | in std_logic |
2.5 MHz clock input | |
CLK | in std_logic |
40 MHz clock input | |
RST | in std_logic |
Soft reset signal. | |
DEVICE | in std_logic |
Indicates whether this is the selected VME device. | |
STROBE | in std_logic |
Indicates VME command is ready to be executed. | |
COMMAND | in std_logic_vector ( 9 downto 0 ) |
VME command to be executed (x"6" & COMMAND & "00" is user-readable version) | |
WRITER | in std_logic |
Indicates if VME command is a read or write command. | |
DTACK | out std_logic |
Data acknowledge to be sent once command is initialized/executed. | |
INDATA | in std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 ) |
Input data from VME backplane. | |
OUTDATA | out std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 ) |
Output data to VME backplane. | |
SPI_CFG_UL_PULSE | out std_logic |
Signal to VMECONFREGS to write CFG registers read from PROM. | |
SPI_CONST_UL_PULSE | out std_logic |
Signal to VMECONFREGS to write const registers read from PROM. | |
SPI_UL_REG | out std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 ) |
Contents of CFG/const registers read from PROM. | |
SPI_CFG_BUSY | out std_logic |
Indicates CFG register upload in progress. | |
SPI_CONST_BUSY | out std_logic |
Indicated const register upload in progress. | |
SPI_CFG_REG_WE | out integer range 0 to NREGS |
Write enable for each CFG register. | |
SPI_CONST_REG_WE | out integer range 0 to NREGS |
Write enable for each const register. | |
SPI_CFG_REGS | in cfg_regs_array |
Contents of CFG registers to write to PROM. | |
SPI_CONST_REGS | in cfg_regs_array |
Contents of const registers to write PROM. | |
SPI_RST | out std_logic |
reset signal for SPI_CTRL state machine | |
SPI_ENBL | out std_logic |
signal to enable SPI_CTRL state machine | |
SPI_DSBL | out std_logic |
signal to disable SPI_CTRL state machine | |
SPI_CMD_FIFO_WRITE_EN | out std_logic |
Write enable to write command to PROM controller module. | |
SPI_CMD_FIFO_IN | out std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 ) |
Command to be written to PROM controller module. | |
SPI_READBACK_FIFO_OUT | in std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 ) |
Contents readback from PROM. | |
SPI_READBACK_FIFO_READ_EN | out std_logic |
Read enable to progress through contents readback from PROM. | |
SPI_READ_BUSY | in std_logic |
Indicates a PROM read in progress. | |
SPI_RBK_WRD_CNT | in std_logic_vector ( 10 downto 0 ) |
Number of words in SPI readback FIFO. | |
SPI_TIMER | in std_logic_vector ( 31 downto 0 ) |
SPI timer register from SPI_CTRL. | |
SPI_STATUS | in std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 ) |
SPI status register from SPI_CTRL. | |
DIAGOUT | out std_logic_vector ( 17 downto 0 ) |
Debug signals. |
VME device that acts as user interface to EPROM.
Replaces BPI_PORT and BPI_CFG_CONTROLLER modules from legacy ODMB firmware. Supported VME commands: