FASTCLK | in |
| 40 MHz clock
SLOWCLK | in |
| 2.5 MHz clock
GAP | in |
| Geographical address parity, must match GA.
GA | in ( 4 downto 0 ) |
| Crate geographical address, checked against command.
ADR | in ( 23 downto 1 ) |
| VME ADDR (command), must match GA.
AM | in ( 5 downto 0 ) |
| VME address modifier, must be 111X10 or 111X01.
AS | in |
| Address strobe, indicates AM and ADR can be read.
DS0 | in |
| Data strobe, indicates data is ready.
DS1 | in |
| Data strobe, indicates data is ready.
LWORD | in |
| VME word length, must be 1.
WRITER | in |
| VME read(1)/write(0), only used for debug.
IACK | in |
| VME Interrupt acknowledge bar, must be 1.
BERR | in |
| VME bus error bar, unused.
SYSFAIL | in |
| VME system fail bar, must be 1.
DEVICE | out ( 9 downto 0 ) |
| Output to select VME device for command.
STROBE | out |
| Signal to initiate interpretation of VME command.
COMMAND | out ( 9 downto 0 ) |
| VME command output (subset of VME ADDR)
ADRS | out ( 17 downto 2 ) |
| Output to select VME device to multiplex to VME.
TOVME_B | out |
| Selects VME input/output direction.
DOE_B | out |
| VME output enable to ODMB ICs.
DIAGOUT | out ( 17 downto 0 ) |
| Debug signals.
LED | out ( 2 downto 0 ) |
| Debug signals.
module that interprets VME commands for modules in ODMB VME