| CMS/system clock: 40.07897 MHz. Can be from local oscillator or CCB. Used to generate most clocks used in firmware. Connected to bank 45.
| CMS/system clock: 40.07897 MHz. Can be from local oscillator or CCB. Used to generate most clocks used in firmware. Connected to bank 45.
GP_CLK_6_P | in |
| From clock synthesizer ODIV6: 80 MHz. Currently unused. Connected to bank 44.
GP_CLK_6_N | in |
| From clock synthesizer ODIV6: 80 MHz. Currently unused. Connected to bank 44.
GP_CLK_7_P | in |
| From clock synthesizer ODIV7: 80 MHz. Currently unused. Connected to bank 68.
GP_CLK_7_N | in |
| From clock synthesizer ODIV7: 80 MHz. Currently unused. Connected to bank 68.
REF_CLK_1_P | in |
| From clock synthesizer, refclk0 to GTH quad 224.
REF_CLK_1_N | in |
| From clock synthesizer, refclk0 to GTH quad 224.
REF_CLK_2_P | in |
| From clock synthesizer, refclk0 to GTH quad 227.
REF_CLK_2_N | in |
| From clock synthesizer, refclk0 to GTH quad 227.
REF_CLK_3_P | in |
| From clock synthesizer, refclk0 to GTH quad 226.
REF_CLK_3_N | in |
| From clock synthesizer, refclk0 to GTH quad 226.
REF_CLK_4_P | in |
| From clock synthesizer, refclk0 to GTH quad 225.
REF_CLK_4_N | in |
| From clock synthesizer, refclk0 to GTH quad 225.
REF_CLK_5_P | in |
| From clock synthesizer, refclk1 to GTH quad 227.
REF_CLK_5_N | in |
| From clock synthesizer, refclk1 to GTH quad 227.
CLK_125_REF_P | in |
| From clock synthesizer, refclk1 to GTH quad 226.
CLK_125_REF_N | in |
| From clock synthesizer, refclk1 to GTH quad 226.
EMCCLK | in |
| From clock synthesizer, 133 MHz. Clock for programming FPGA from PROM. Connected to bank 65.
LF_CLK | in |
| From clock synthesizer, 10 kHz. General purpose low frequency clock, currently unused. Connected to bank 45.
VME_DATA | inout ( 15 downto 0 ) |
| Data to/from VME backplane. Used by ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 48.
VME_GAP_B | in |
| Geographical address (VME slot) parity. Used by ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 48.
VME_GA_B | in ( 4 downto 0 ) |
| Geographical address (VME slot). Used by ODMB_VME and ODMB CTRL module. Connected to bank 48.
VME_ADDR | in ( 23 downto 1 ) |
| VME address (command). Used by ODMB_VME module. Conencted to bank 46.
VME_AM | in ( 5 downto 0 ) |
| VME address modifier. Used by ODMB_VME module. Connected to cank 46.
VME_AS_B | in |
| VME address strobe. Used by ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 46.
VME_DS_B | in ( 1 downto 0 ) |
| VME data strobe. Used by ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 46.
VME_LWORD_B | in |
| VME data word length. Used by ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 48.
VME_WRITE_B | in |
| VME write/read indicator. Used by ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 48.
VME_IACK_B | in |
| VME interrupt acknowledge. Used by ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 48.
VME_BERR_B | in |
| VME bus error indicator. Used by ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 48.
| VME system reset. Not used. Connected to bank 48.
| VME system failure indicator. Used by ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 48.
VME_CLK_B | in |
| VME clock. Not used. Connected to bank 48.
KUS_VME_OE_B | out |
| VME output enable. Controlled by ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 44.
KUS_VME_DIR | out |
| ODMB board VME input/output direction. Controlled by ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 44.
| VME data acknowledge. Controlled by ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 44.
DCFEB_TCK_P | out ( 7 downto 1 ) |
| (x)DCFEB JTAG TCK signal. One per (x)DCFEB. Used by ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 68.
DCFEB_TCK_N | out ( 7 downto 1 ) |
| (x)DCFEB JTAG TCK signal. One per (x)DCFEB. Used by ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 68.
DCFEB_TMS_P | out |
| (x)DCFEB JTAG TMS signal. Used by ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 68.
DCFEB_TMS_N | out |
| (x)DCFEB JTAG TMS signal. Used by ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 68.
DCFEB_TDI_P | out |
| (x)DCFEB JTAG TDI signal. Used by ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 68.
DCFEB_TDI_N | out |
| (x)DCFEB JTAG TDI signal. Used by ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 68.
DCFEB_TDO_P | in ( 7 downto 1 ) |
| (x)DCFEB JTAG TDO signal. One per (x)DCFEB. Used by ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 67-68 as "C_TDO".
DCFEB_TDO_N | in ( 7 downto 1 ) |
| (x)DCFEB JTAG TDO signal. One per (x)DCFEB. Used by ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 67-68 as "C_TDO".
DCFEB_DONE | in ( 7 downto 1 ) |
| (x)DCFEB programming done signal. Used only by top level DCFEB startup process. Connected to bank 68 as "DONE_*".
RESYNC_P | out |
| (x)DCFEB resync signal. Used by ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 66.
RESYNC_N | out |
| (x)DCFEB resync signal. Used by ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 66.
BC0_P | out |
| (x)DCFEB bunch crossing 0 synchronization signal. Initiated by CCB_BX0 signal or from ODMB_VME. Connected to bank 68.
BC0_N | out |
| (x)DCFEB bunch crossing 0 synchronization signal. Initiated by CCB_BX0 signal or from ODMB_VME. Connected to bank 68.
INJPLS_P | out |
| Calibration INJPLS signal for (x)DCFEBs. From ODMB CTRL module. Connected to bank 66.
INJPLS_N | out |
| Calibration INJPLS signal for (x)DCFEBs. From ODMB CTRL module. Connected to bank 66.
EXTPLS_P | out |
| Calibration EXTPLS signal for (x)DCFEBs. From ODMB CTRL module. Connected to bank 66.
EXTPLS_N | out |
| Calibration EXTPLS signal for (x)DCFEBs. From ODMB CTRL module. Connected to bank 66.
L1A_P | out |
| Trigger L1A signal for (x)DCFEBs. From ODMB CTRL module. Connected to bank 66.
L1A_N | out |
| Trigger L1A signal for (x)DCFEBs. From ODMB CTRL module. Connected to bank 66.
L1A_MATCH_P | out ( 7 downto 1 ) |
| L1A match for (x)DCFEBs. From ODMB CTRL module. Connected to bank 66.
L1A_MATCH_N | out ( 7 downto 1 ) |
| L1A match for (x)DCFEBs. From ODMB CTRL module. Connected to bank 66.
PPIB_OUT_EN_B | out |
| PPIB output enable signal. Fixed to '0'. Connected to bank 68.
| (x)DCFEB reprogram signal. From ODMBCTRL in ODMB_VME module. Connected to bank 68.
CCB_CMD | in ( 5 downto 0 ) |
| Command from CCB, generates BC0, L1ARST, etc. for ODMB. Used by ODMB CTRL module. Connected to bank 44.
CCB_CMD_S | in |
| CCB command strobe. Used by ODMB CTRL module. Connected to bank 46.
CCB_DATA | in ( 7 downto 0 ) |
| CCB data. Only used in CCB communication test. Connected to bank 44.
CCB_DATA_S | in |
| CCB data strobe. Only used in CCB communication test. Connected to bank 46.
CCB_CAL | in ( 2 downto 0 ) |
| CCB calibration signals. Only used in CCB communication test. In ODMB2014 fw, connected to ODMB CTRL but unused. Connected to bank 44.
CCB_CRSV | in ( 3 downto 0 ) |
| CCB CCB-reserved signals. Only used in CCB communication test. In ODMB2014 fw, connected to ODMB CTRL but unused. Connected to bank 44.
CCB_DRSV | in ( 1 downto 0 ) |
| CCB DMB-reserved signals. Only used in CCB communication test. In ODMB2014 fw, connected to ODMB CTRL but unused. Connected to bank 45.
CCB_RSVO | in ( 4 downto 0 ) |
| CCB DMB-reserved output. Only used in CCB communication test. In ODMB2014 fw, connected to ODMB CTRL but unused. Connected to bank 45.
CCB_RSVI | out ( 2 downto 0 ) |
| CCB DMB-reserved input. Only used in CCB communication test. In ODMB2014 fw, connected to ODMB CTRL but unused. Connected to bank 45.
CCB_BX0_B | in |
| CCB bunch-crossing 0 synchronization signal. Used to generate BC0 pulse to (x)DCFEBs. Connected to Bank 46 as "CCB_BX0".
CCB_BX_RST_B | in |
| CCB bunch-crossing reset signal. Used by ODMB CTRL. Connected to bank 46 as "CCB_BX_RST".
CCB_L1A_RST_B | in |
| CCB L1A reset signal. Used by simulated FE boards but not ODMB CTRL in ODMB2014 fw. Connected to bank 46 as "CCB_L1A_RST".
CCB_L1A_B | in |
| CCB L1A signal. Used to generate raw_l1a to ODMB CTRL in ODMB2014 fw. Connected to bank 46 as "CCB_L1A".
CCB_L1A_RLS | out |
| CCB L1A release. Fixed to '0' in ODMB2014 fw. Connected to bank 45.
CCB_CLKEN | in |
| CCB clock enable signal. Connected to ODMB CTRL in ODMB2014 fw but unused. Connected to bank 46.
| CCB event counter reset. Used by simulated FE boards. Connected to bank 64 as "CCB_EVCNTRES".
| CCB hard reset. Unusable since hard reset resets the FPGA but must be input to avoid self-reset. Connected to bank 45 in error.
| CCB soft reset. Triggers reset of elements throughout firmware. Connected to bank 45 as "CCB_SOFT_RST".
LVMB_PON | out ( 7 downto 0 ) |
| Signal to LVMB to power on (x)DCFEBs and ALCT. Mapping of bits to boards is chamber dependent. Used by ODMB_VME. Connected to bank 67.
PON_LOAD_B | out |
| Signal to write LVMB_PON to LVMB. Used by ODMB_VME. Connected to bank 67.
PON_OE | out |
| Output enable for LVMB_PON. Fixed to '1'. Used by ODMB_VME. Connected to bank 67.
MON_LVMB_PON | in ( 7 downto 0 ) |
| Signal to check (x)DCFEBs and ALCT power status from LVMB. Mapping of bits to boards is chamber dependent. Used by ODMB_VME. Connected to bank 67.
LVMB_CSB | out ( 6 downto 0 ) |
| LVMB ADC SPI chip select. Used by ODMB_VME. Connected to bank 67.
LVMB_SCLK | out |
| LVMB ADC SPI clock. Used by ODMB_VME. Connected to bank 68.
LVMB_SDIN | out |
| LVMB ADC SPI input. Used by ODMB_VME. Connected to bank 68.
| LVMB ADC SPI output. Used by ODMB_VME. Connected to bank 67 as C_LVMB_SDOUT_P.
| LVMB ADC SPI output. Used by ODMB_VME. Connected to bank 67 as C_LVMB_SDOUT_N.
OTMB | in ( 35 downto 0 ) |
| OTMB data. Used for packet building and PRBS test. Connected to bank 44-45 as "TMB[35:0]".
RAWLCT | in ( 6 downto 0 ) |
| Local charged track signals, used by TRGCNTRL in ODMB CTRL for timing and for PRBS test. Connected to bank 45 (to be updated).
OTMB_DAV | in |
| OTMB data available used by TRGCNTRL in ODMB CTRL for timing. Connected to bank 45 as TMB_DAV.
OTMB_FF_CLK | in |
| Unused. Connected to bank 45 as TMB_FF_CLK.
RSVTD_IN | in ( 7 downto 3 ) |
| Reserved to DMB signals used only for OTMB PRBS test. Connected to bank 44-45 as RSVTD[7:3] (to be updated).
RSVTD_OUT | out ( 2 downto 0 ) |
| Reserved to DMB signals used to send L1A info to OTMB and for PRBS test. Connected to bank 44-45 as RSVTD[2:0] (to be updated).
LCT_RQST | out ( 2 downto 1 ) |
| Used to send LCT and external trigger requests generated by ODMB_VME and for PRBS test. Connected to bank 45.
DAQ_RX_P | in ( 10 downto 0 ) |
| R12 optical RX from FE boards.
DAQ_RX_N | in ( 10 downto 0 ) |
| R12 optical RX from FE boards.
DAQ_SPY_RX_P | in |
| R12 optical RX from FE boards (DAQ_RX_P11) or finisar RX SPY_RX_P.
DAQ_SPY_RX_N | in |
| R12 optical RX from FE boards (DAQ_RX_N11) or finisar RX SPY_RX_N.
B04_RX_P | in ( 4 downto 2 ) |
| B04 optical RX from FED. No use yet.
B04_RX_N | in ( 4 downto 2 ) |
| B04 optical RX from FED. No use yet.
BCK_PRS_P | in |
| B04 optical RX from FED for backpressure (B04_RX1_P).
BCK_PRS_N | in |
| B04 optical RX from FED for backpressure (B04_RX1_N).
DAQ_SPY_SEL | out |
| Multiplexor control. 0 to select DAQ_RX_P/N11, 1 to select SPY_RX_P/N.
RX12_I2C_ENA | out |
| I2C enable for RX12 firefly, currently tied to 0. Connected to bank 66.
RX12_SDA | inout |
| I2C serial data signal to/from RX12 firefly, currently unused. Connected to bank 66.
RX12_SCL | inout |
| I2C serial clock signal to RX12 firefly, currently unused. Connected to bank 66.
RX12_CS_B | out |
| I2C chip select signal to RX12 firefly, tied to '1'. Connected to bank 66.
RX12_RST_B | out |
| Reset signal to RX12 firefly, tied to '1'. Connected to bank 66.
RX12_INT_B | in |
| Interrupt (fault) signal from RX12 firefly, currently unused. Connected to bank 66.
RX12_PRESENT_B | in |
| Present signal from RX12 firefly, currently unused. Connected to bank 66.
TX12_I2C_ENA | out |
| I2C enable for TX12 firefly, currently tied to 0. Connected to bank 66.
TX12_SDA | inout |
| I2C serial data signal to/from TX12 firefly, currently unused. Connected to 66.
TX12_SCL | inout |
| I2C serial clock signal to TX12 firefly, currently unused. Connected to bank 66.
TX12_CS_B | out |
| I2C chip select signal to TX12 firefly, tied to '1'. Connected to bank 66.
TX12_RST_B | out |
| Reset signal to TX12 firefly, tied to '1'. Connected to bank 66.
TX12_INT_B | in |
| Interrupt (fault) signal from TX12 firefly, currently unused. Connected to bank 66.
TX12_PRESENT_B | in |
| Present signal from TX12 firefly, currently unused. Connected to bank 66.
B04_I2C_ENA | out |
| I2C enable for B04 firefly, currently tied to 0. Connected to bank 66.
B04_SDA | inout |
| I2C serial data signal to/from B04 firefly, currently unused. Connected to bank 66.
B04_SCL | inout |
| I2C serial clock signal to B04 firefly, currently unused. Connected to bank 66.
B04_CS_B | out |
| I2C chip select signal to B04 firefly, tied to '1'. Connected to bank 66.
B04_RST_B | out |
| Reset signal to B04 firefly, tied to '1'. Connected to bank 66.
B04_INT_B | in |
| Interrupt (fault) signal from B04 firefly, currently unused. Connected to bank 66.
B04_PRESENT_B | in |
| Present signal from B04 firefly, currently unused. Connected to bank 66.
SPY_I2C_ENA | out |
| I2C enable for Finisar, currently unused. Connected to bank 66.
SPY_SDA | inout |
| I2C serial data to/from Finisar, currently unused. Connected to bank 66.
SPY_SCL | inout |
| I2C serial clock to Finisar, currently unused. Connected to bank 66.
SPY_SD | in |
| Finisar signal detect signal, currently unused. Connected to bank 66.
SPY_TDIS | out |
| Transmitter disable signal to Finisar, tied to '0'. Connected to bank 66.
KUS_DL_SEL | out |
| ODMB JTAG path select, needs to be tied to '1' to allow redbox/DL communication on ODMB7 prototype. Connected to bank 47.
FPGA_SEL | out |
| Clock synthesizer control input selector, needs to be tied to '0'. Connected to bank 47.
RST_CLKS_B | out |
| Clock synthesizer reset signal, needs to be tied to '1'. Connected to bank 47.
ODMB_DONE | in |
| Kintex Ultrascale configuration DONE signal from DONE_0 in bank 0 (N7). Unused but needs to be input. Connected to bank 66 (pin L9).
SYSMON_P | in ( 15 downto 0 ) |
| Current monitoring analog signals from monitor ICs to SYSTEM_MON in VME module. Connected to bank 64.
SYSMON_N | in ( 15 downto 0 ) |
| Current monitoring analog signals from monitor ICs to SYSTEM_MON in VME module. Connected to bank 64.
ADC_CS_B | out ( 4 downto 0 ) |
| SPI chip select signals to voltage monitor ADCs used by SYSTEM_MON in VME module. Connected to bank 64.
ADC_DIN | out |
| SPI input signal to voltage monitor ADCs used by SYSTEM_MON in VME module. Connected to bank 64.
ADC_SCK | out |
| SPI clock signal to voltage monitor ADCs used by SYSTEM_MON in VME module. Connected to bank 64.
ADC_DOUT | in |
| SPI output signal from voltage monitor ADCs used by SYSTEM_MON in VME module. Connected to bank 64.
PROM_RST_B | out |
| Reset signal to both PROM ICs currently tied to 1. Connected to bank 65.
PROM_CS2_B | out |
| Chip select signal to secondary PROM, used by spi_interface in ODMB_VME. Connected to bank 65.
CNFG_DATA | inout ( 7 downto 4 ) |
| Data signals to/from the secondary PROM, used by spi_interface in ODMB_VME. Connected to bank 65.
LEDS_CFV | out ( 11 downto 0 ) |
| Front panel LEDs, currently unused. Connected to bank 65.