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VMEMON_Arch Architecture Reference


cmddev  std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 )
w_odmb_rst  std_logic := ' 0 '
w_dcfeb_reprog  std_logic := ' 0 '
w_dcfeb_resync  std_logic := ' 0 '
w_opt_rst  std_logic := ' 0 '
reprog  std_logic := ' 0 '
out_odmb_cal  std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
w_odmb_cal  std_logic := ' 0 '
r_odmb_cal  std_logic := ' 0 '
odmb_cal_inner  std_logic := ' 0 '
out_tp_sel  std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
tp_sel_inner  std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
w_tp_sel  std_logic := ' 0 '
r_tp_sel  std_logic := ' 0 '
out_max_words_dcfeb  std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
max_words_dcfeb_inner  std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
w_max_words_dcfeb  std_logic := ' 0 '
r_max_words_dcfeb  std_logic := ' 0 '
out_loopback  std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
loopback_inner  std_logic_vector ( 2 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
w_loopback  std_logic := ' 0 '
r_loopback  std_logic := ' 0 '
out_txdiffctrl  std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
txdiffctrl_inner  std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0 )
r_txdiffctrl  std_logic := ' 0 '
out_dcfeb_done  std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
r_dcfeb_done  std_logic := ' 0 '
out_mux_data_path  std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
w_mux_data_path  std_logic := ' 0 '
r_mux_data_path  std_logic := ' 0 '
mux_data_path_inner  std_logic := ' 0 '
out_mux_trigger  std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
w_mux_trigger  std_logic := ' 0 '
r_mux_trigger  std_logic := ' 0 '
mux_trigger_inner  std_logic := ' 0 '
out_mux_lvmb  std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
w_mux_lvmb  std_logic := ' 0 '
r_mux_lvmb  std_logic := ' 0 '
mux_lvmb_inner  std_logic := ' 0 '
out_odmb_ped  std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
w_odmb_ped  std_logic := ' 0 '
r_odmb_ped  std_logic := ' 0 '
odmb_ped_inner  std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
out_test_ped  std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
w_test_ped  std_logic := ' 0 '
r_test_ped  std_logic := ' 0 '
test_ped_inner  std_logic := ' 0 '
out_mask_pls  std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
mask_pls_inner  std_logic := ' 0 '
w_mask_pls  std_logic := ' 0 '
r_mask_pls  std_logic := ' 0 '
out_mask_l1a  std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
mask_l1a_inner  std_logic_vector ( NCFEB downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
w_mask_l1a  std_logic := ' 0 '
r_mask_l1a  std_logic := ' 0 '
r_odmb_data  std_logic
w_dcfeb_pulse  std_logic := ' 0 '
dcfeb_pulse  std_logic_vector ( 5 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
ce_d_dtack  std_logic
d_dtack  std_logic
q_dtack  std_logic


pls_fwreset  PULSE2FAST <Entity PULSE2FAST>
pls_optreset  PULSE2FAST <Entity PULSE2FAST>
pls_l1areset  PULSE2FAST <Entity PULSE2FAST>
pls_reprog  NPULSE2SAME <Entity NPULSE2SAME>
fd_testcal  fdce
fd_w_tp_sel  fdce
fd_w_max_words_dcfeb0  fdce
fd_w_max_words_dcfeb11  fdce
fd_w_max_words_dcfeb10  fdpe
fd_w_loopback  fdce
fd_muxdatapathsel  fdce
fd_muxtriggersel  fdce
fd_muxlvmbsel  fdce
fd_odmbped1  fdce
fd_odmbped2  fdce
fd_testped  fdce
fd_w_mask_pls  fdce
fd_w_mask_l1a  fdce
pulse_inj  NPULSE2SAME <Entity NPULSE2SAME>
pulse_pls  NPULSE2SAME <Entity NPULSE2SAME>
pulse_l1a  PULSE2FAST <Entity PULSE2FAST>
pulse_lct  PULSE2FAST <Entity PULSE2FAST>
pulse_ext  PULSE2FAST <Entity PULSE2FAST>
pulse_bc0  PULSE2FAST <Entity PULSE2FAST>
fd_d_dtack  fdce
fd_q_dtack  fd

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