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CALIBTRG_arch Architecture Reference




bc0_cmd  std_logic
bc0_rst  std_logic
bc0_inner  std_logic
start_trg_cmd  std_logic
start_trg_rst  std_logic
start_trg_inner  std_logic
stop_trg_cmd  std_logic
stop_trg_rst  std_logic
stop_trg_inner  std_logic
l1asrst_cmd  std_logic
l1asrst_rst  std_logic
l1asrst_clk_cmd  std_logic
l1asrst_cnt_rst  std_logic
l1asrst_cnt_ceo  std_logic
l1asrst_inner  std_logic
l1asrst_cnt  std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 )
ttccal_cmd  std_logic_vector ( 2 downto 0 )
ttccal_rst  std_logic_vector ( 2 downto 0 )
ttccal_inner  std_logic_vector ( 2 downto 0 )
ccbinjin_1  std_logic
ccbinjin_2  std_logic
ccbinjin_3  std_logic
ccbplsin_1  std_logic
ccbplsin_2  std_logic
ccbplsin_3  std_logic
plsinjen_1  std_logic
plsinjen_rst  std_logic
plsinjen_inv  std_logic
bx0_1  std_logic
bxrst_1  std_logic
clken_1  std_logic
l1arst_1  std_logic
logich  std_logic := ' 1 '
logich4  std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0 ) := " 1111 "
logic5  std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0 ) := " 0101 "
finj_inv  std_logic
preinj_1  std_logic
preinj  std_logic
fpls_inv  std_logic
prepls_1  std_logic
prepls  std_logic
inj_cmd  std_logic
inj_1  std_logic
inj_2  std_logic
inj_3  std_logic
inj_4  std_logic
inj_5_a  std_logic
inj_5_b  std_logic
inj_inner  std_logic
inj_cnt  std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 )
pls_cmd  std_logic
pls_1  std_logic
pls_2  std_logic
pls_3  std_logic
pls_4  std_logic
pls_5_a  std_logic
pls_5_b  std_logic
pls_inner  std_logic
pls_cnt  std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 )
pedestal_inv  std_logic
rstpls_cmd  std_logic
rstpls  std_logic
rstpls_cnt_ceo  std_logic
rstpls_cnt_tc  std_logic
rstpls_1  std_logic
rstpls_cnt  std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0 )
injpls_cmd  std_logic
injpls_rst  std_logic
injpls_1  std_logic
injpls_inner  std_logic
cal_gtrg_cmd  std_logic
cal_gtrg_1  std_logic
sr14_cnt  std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 )
sr15_cnt  std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 )
m4_out  std_logic
m4_out_clk  std_logic
m2_out  std_logic
m2_out_clk  std_logic
lctrqst_inner  std_logic
callct_1  std_logic
callct_2  std_logic
callct_3  std_logic
callct_inner  std_logic
pedestal_inner  std_logic
xl1adly_inner  std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0 )


fdce_finj  fdce
fdc_preinj1  fdc
fdce_fpls  fdce
fdc_prepls_1  fdc
fdc_logich_frominj  fdc
fdc_inj_1  fdc
fd_inj_3  fd
fd_inj_4  fd
fd_1_inj_4  fd_1
fdc_logich_frompls  fdc
fdc_pls_1  fdc
fd_pls_3  fd
fd_pls_4  fd
fd_1_pls_4  fd_1
fd_rstplscnt  fd
fdc_logich_frominjpls  fdc
fdr_injpls_1  fdr
fd_callct_1  fd
fd_callct_3  fd
lctdly_gtrg  LCTDLY <Entity LCTDLY>

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