Welcome! You've stumbled upon my webpage from graduate school. This page is not updated often, and I'm no longer at UCSB (I finally graduted in 2011!) so if you want to know what I'm up to, I would start by googling me, or check my LBL homepage, where I currently work.
The above image is of the CMS Tracker Inner Barrel (TIB), which is part of the larger charge particle tracking detector. I contributed to the construction, testing and comissioning of the Tracker at UCSB and at CERN. To learn more about me, my research and my interests, please see the links above.
Office: Broida 5310 Mail: Physics Department University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9530 Phone: (805)300-7247 E-Mail: puneeth AT alumni.upenn.edu LinkedIn Profile