
This is a (very incomplete) collection of slides from the of less technical talks that I have given, and useful links.

1. Derivation of Muon and Tau Lifetime.
Also contains the relevant derivations related to gamma matrices, the Levi-Cevita tensor, and (anti)symmetric matrices.

2. Overview of the T2K Collaboration.
Designed while I was at Pitt, this was a 1 hr presentation on the T2K experiment. Focuses on nucleon decay, but some coverage of 1987A and neutrino oscillations as well.

3. List of Simplified SUSY Models.
A list of the simplest SUSY models being investigated at the LHC (T1tttt, T2bw, TChi, etc.). See also this paper, written by the CMS collaboration.

4. Advancement to Candidacy Talk.
My slides from my advancement to candidacy talk, entitled "Search for Supersymmetry in Same-Sign Dileptons at CMS." Discusses the CMS detector, supersymmetry, and CMS AN 2013/120.

5. Matching Intro.
Covers XQCUT, QCUT at LO

6. QFT.
My QFT homepage, with slides and solutions to Srednicki’s text

Random Stuff
1. Dogs must be Carried on the Escalator.
My favorite quotation on the nature of literature.

2. Thermodynamics Warning.
My favorite warning about statistical mechanics.