This is the set of plots that I propose to synchronize on for DPF/Seminars etc, until we get the `fitted limit' from ctau/WS going. Please find problems soon! Then we'll correct them. The draft of the CBX that goes with these plots is here. That file is 11 Megabytes in size. 1) is the world's previous allowed regions in the R_mixing vs. R_DSCD plane, for cos(phi)=0. Yellow is E791 K-Lepton-nu 90%, cyan is Aleph 95%, magenta is CLEO-II Kpi 1 sigma; black ellipse is E691, where horizontal is all Kpi, and vertical combines Kpi and K3pi, 90%; the red is E791 1 sigma, where again vertical is combo of Kpi and K3pi, and horizontal is all Kpi. (worldm.eps). 2) is CLEO II.V's 1 sigma range from the R_WS=wrong sign/right sign measurement alone, to go with 1) above, where cos(phi)=0. (r1r2rws.eps). 3) shows how the mean wrong-sign lifetime varies as a function of the ratio of the mixing rate to the total rate. When there is no interference (that is, cos(phi)=0, all mixing proceeds through the real part of the virtual transitions), the mean wrong-sign lifetime goes from 1 tau_d to 3 tau_d as mixing goes from none to all of the wrong sign rate. When interference is involved, and the mixing is small, the lifetime goes up faster near the left side of the plot, when cos(phi)=1, (all mixing through real transitions, dominated by the CP + states), relative to cos(phi)=0, and vice versa for cos(phi)=-1 (real transitions, CP - states dominant). At the right hand side of the plot, the tendencies of + and - are reversed, in essence because the influence of interference is larger in the normalizing denominator than in the numerator that has the t integral. (tauvrat.eps). 4) is an overlay that goes on David Asner's ctau wrong-sign plot, and shows what the ctau would look like if cos(phi)=0 mixing would look like if that mixing dominated R_WS. (mix.eps). 5) shows the 90% CL limits on the lifetime of the wrong-sign, and how they convert into limits on R_Mixing/(R_Mixing + R_DCSD). (mlim.eps). 6) shows the full 2-d 90% CL limit region from CLEO-II.V, on the scale of above. (r1r2big.eps). 7) shows the expansion of 5) on a more appropriate scale, with the 1-d 90% limits in thin black, and the 2-d 90% CL limit region a dark black curve. (r1r2.eps) 8) shows the same limit as 6, but for cos(phi)=1, on the same scale as 6). The corresponding world limits are: E691 - R_mixing < 0.31% (90% CL) R_DSCD < 1.6% Aleph - R_mixing < 0.96% (95% CL) E791 - no CP conserving limits gampos.eps 9) shows the same limit as 6 and 7, but with cos(phi)=-1; the vertical scale here is very much larger than the previous two plots, in order to accomodate the two large rates, which destructively interfere. The corresponding world limits are: E691 - R_mixing < 0.65% (90% CL) R_DSCD < 4.9% Aleph - R_mixing < 3.6% (95% CL) E791 - no CP conserving limits gamneg.eps