CESR Operations Report - May 6, 1999

Chess Running
Problems & Improvements
( Thur - Wed = Q  F  S S  M  T  W )

Facilities - Electron beam losses when CESR dipole glitches due to line voltage glitches. S

Control System - Lots of problems on GPIB. Found that the Bus Interface had a bad power switch and was turning itself off. Switch hot wired. The problem of "The Master Oscillator has drifted" persisted. Using the GPIB Bus Analyzer, CRS pointed out that the "REMOTE ENABLE" line was not active. Apparently, some instruments don't care, but the Philips Frequency Counter does. Q

WINJ (injection software) is confused by e- injection. Had to stop and restart WINJ at the beginning of e- injection. Q

VGS (graphics, e.g. Scoreboard) system hung and had to reset in the computer room. F W

Linac RF - Linac 5m Test Section Interlocks: Spent some time today checking out all the interlocks in the LS2 panel that has the status for LS2 Secure, Modulator Drive and Modulator Ready. Found the modulator interlocks disconnected and only the LS2 Secure (in the linac gun chain) connected. We spent some time re-connecting interlocks and also moving some of the interlocks in the chain to make things work the way we want.

Feedback - Attempted to observe any longitudinal instability thresholds with a single positron beam or two beams. During these measurements there were administrative current limits of 240 mA (single beam) and 340 mA (two beams.) Made observations for all 9 trains of 2 bunch cases, for the 9 trains of 4 bunches (b1,b2,b3,b4) case and for 9 trains of 5 bunches. A longitudinal instability was observed in several cases, in particular, the case of 9 trains of 4 bunches of 2 beams has a lower threshold than was measured in Nov. 1998. Q

Longitudinal Feedback: Adjusted electron input timing. Set positron/electron gate timing. No change in positron input timing required. F

The longitudinal feedback kicker cavity is apparently not in the right z location for 9x5 operation. Separation of e+ and e- signals is only 6 ns at that location, and should be at least 14 ns.

Made adjustments to longitudinal wideband feedback that uses the stripline kicker and this feedback is now turned on. T

Losses of about 50 mA of electrons was observed repeatedly yesterday at about 290 mA total current, COMET shows electrons were horizontally unstable. Feedback modulator output shows that there is output for only four of five bunches of each species.  W

CESR RF -  W1 8 Channel Fan-in trip memory shows trip on 500 MHz Phase Lock Loop. Q

Raise west field set point from 124 to 138 to reduce w1 refl. power; was 50 kW, now 42 (with fwd 200+, 360 mA total beam). Q

Change w1 tuning angle cmd 680 -> 690 per Sergei to reduce w1 refl. power. Q

Difficulty in turning on the RF power from zero to full value, especially in the West. Q2

E2 Quench Detector trips. Q2
