Winstein, Wah, Wiedenbeck, Witten
- t<<<t0
- We were wild, wanton, without worry - walked, waded,
- Watched waterfalls, wooed willowy, winsome women,
- Woke, worked without willpower whenever we wanted -
- Welcomed weekends with wide wallets -
- With wine, we were witty, whimsical -
- We were warm, well, wonderfully without want.
- We warbled: Why worry?
- t<<t0
- We were warned; we worried.
- t<t0
- We worry; we work wishfully.
- t=t0
- We're whirled will-less, wildly, worthlessly writing,
- Witless, wounded, whipped, webbed with welts.
- Weakly writhing, weeping, whimpering, withering.
- Warped, wrathful wardens wield wicked war-weapons - Whack! Wham!
- Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!
- Wednesday: worlds worse.
- t>t0
- Winnowed washouts, we work wherever - Walmart, Woolworth's -
- Wendy's waiters, wiping windows, washing, wearily weeding.
- t>>t0
- Welfare. Wantads. Windchilled, wintering wrapped with wastepaper.
- Wretched, wasted, woebegone winos, wastewater wallowers.
- Wormwood.
- We will wonder why.
- Wizened wheezing whiplashed wheelchaired worms,
- We will wail, "Winstein, Wiedenbeck, Witten, Waaaaaaaah!"
Wphilip Whart