For S.'s 29th on the 30th and My 30th on the 29th

One day and a year behind -
It's not quite what they had in mind,
My star and yours - (above that tree -
No, to the left - is yours) for we
Were scheduled for one different date,
But I came early, you came late.
Since then I've never been on time,
And you think tardiness a crime -
One small celestial cog got lost,
Or both our stars have wires crossed.
You're the youngest; I am old-
Er than my brother (so I'm told).
We both began here - I've long strayed,
But now am back where you have stayed.
Your name's a kind of symmetry;
My life's as placid as can be:
Without much happiness or grief,
I've been a gently falling leaf -
A bird, you've soared and swooped and sung,
At times updrafted - storm-downflung.
An ``h'' unbalances my name;
What tragedy you overcame
And what new joy your life now holds.
How many ways we get off track
And yet somehow we still get back.
Above, the galaxy unfolds
Its depthless tapestry so clear...
It bodes us both a joyous year.

For Suzy Morrell, 29-30.12.1997