Prayer for the 199n Run

We pray to Mother Nature
To look kindly on this run,
That we may do good physics,
Find new things under the sun.
May our upgrades be improvements.
May nothing major break.
May Silicon-Tungsten never dump
The LEP beam by mistake.
May I never have a night shift.
May the SLIMOS stay awake.
May our beam be clean and bountiful,
Our beamspot never drift.
May we get a zillion Z's and somehow
Fit them all on shift.
May each fill be very very long,
Each Friday meeting short.
May Chris Hawkes find good things about
The energy to report.
May Alain and Alastair
And the pompiers never frown.
May blankblank not chase wild geese
And make us shoot them down.
May the TE group stay healthy.
May Mette never tire.
May Si and the OPAL dinner
Restaurant not catch fire.
May the moon stay in its orbit.
May the RF never trip.
May the rain not fall too heavily,
The water pipes not drip.
May we better all our measurements.
May we learn new things again.
May Mother Nature bless our run
In '9n. Amen.

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