Wedding Poem for A. and B.
- A is for Amie, who's gotten her é
- From B., who has pledged it forever today.
- C's for Chicago, and Children, and Care;
- D's for Desire Defeating Despair.
- E is for Ever, so Everest-high,
- Closest the Earthbound can get to the sky.
- F is for Fing, and Fighting, and Friend-
- Ship that's Final and never will end.
- G's Glad-Good-Giddy, a Great Gyroscope;
- H is for Hardship and Heartbreak and Hope.
- I is for Intellects Increasingly twined;
- J is for Jumble and Joisty and Joined;
- K is for Knowledge and words badly Koined.
- L is for Liking and Loving and Lust;
- M is for Math, Magic, Music, and Must.
- O is for Openness,
Ohs, and your Oath.
- P is a Poet, one who loves you both.
- Q is for Quivering in resonance;
- R is for Romans, Romaines, and Romance;
- S is for Silliness, Sex, and Slow-dance.
- T is for Touching, for Tears, and for True;
- Upwards and Upwards and Upwards is U.
- V is Violas, Violets, and light Verse.
- W's for Waltzing - Who cares Who is Worse.
- X is the unknown: for life has no faq.
- Y shows two paths turning into one track.
- Z is for Zero, all that you will lack.
- One represents what's become of you Two;
- Now the induction of life's up to you.
N is for No, Negative, and Never, and has no place in this poem.
Up to Light Verse