Setting up and operating the FED Multiplexer and TPO

Make the connections

Modify the software settings

Daq_CMS_Like/Acquisition/bin/daq.xml :

Add muxon="true" to the <Fed>  tag

Lt/Config/lt.xml :

After  the <Fed> tag and before the <DaqProcessCtrl> tag add the following

 <Multiplexer device = "0" simulation="n" >
               devicechannel ="8"

Each <UtriChannel> tag  should be changed to look like the following:

          muxdevice ="0"
          muxcard = "0"

Operating the FED Multiplexer

The Multiplexer and TPO should be powered before the computer is turned on. If they are powered on after the computer you might see the following error messages when you start LT:

 *** Error ingetSlot module src/ at line 93<MotherboardI2C> getSlot: tired of waiting for acknowledge
 *** Error insendData module src/ at line 200mb::releaseSlot :no board selected !
 *** Error inreleaseSlot module src/ at line 135mb::releaseSlot : no board selected !

These error messages usually indicates that the mux controller is not receiving I2C commands. Restting the TSC will usually fix this problem. To reset the TSC press the two buttons near the FPGA (see section 5.8 of the TSC manual).  After resetting the TSC wait ~30 seconds before restarting Lt.  If the errors still occur trying rebooting the computer.

When the multiplexer is correctly initialized you will hear a click from the mechanical relays on the mux cards. The mux cards will click every time they switch to a different set of cables. In the Lt window you will see the following when the mux cards are switching properly:

Muxctrl returns 3
Muxctrl returns 4

In the FED server window you will see error messages as the mux switches. This following is normal output during mux switching:

Event Number 261000  8272
381 377 254 254 254 255 255 255
381 377 254 254 254 255 255 255
381 377 254 254 254 255 255 255
381 386 254 254 254 254 255 255
FedDevice::loop()>> *** ERROR => READOUT with EMPTY FIFO
FedDevice::loop()>> *** ERROR => READOUT with EMPTY FIFO
FedDevice::loop()>> *** ERROR => READOUT with EMPTY FIFO
FedDevice::loop()>> *** ERROR => READOUT with EMPTY FIFO
FedDevice::loop()>> *** ERROR => READOUT with EMPTY FIFO
FedDevice::loop()>> *** ERROR => READOUT with EMPTY FIFO
FedDevice::loop()>> *** ERROR => READOUT with EMPTY FIFO
FedDevice::loop()>> *** ERROR => READOUT with EMPTY FIFO
FedDevice::loop()>> *** ERROR => READOUT with EMPTY FIFO
FedDevice::loop()>> *** ERROR => READOUT with EMPTY FIFO
FedDevice::loop()>> *** ERROR => READOUT with EMPTY FIFO

Pictures of the UCSB multiplexer connections and examples files can be found at

Questions should be directed to Patrick Gartung or Wim Beaumont


TPO I2C jumper default position:

Example the jumpers for the I2C channel connected to the connector J32 :
(see also fig . 11 and 14 of the TCS manual)
J 22 juper at pin 2 .3 , J17 closed , J20 closed J28 closed , J26 cosed . J23 OPEN, J30 OPEN.


TSC / TPO manual

F-MUX info

lt configuration manual