serial number  
start time  
end time  
ARC stand #  

Hybrid fast test procedure checklist.

1. Put heel grounding straps on both feet.  
2. Test grounding straps at ground test station.  
3. Connect hybrid to ARC front end board.  
4. Turn on low voltage power supplies. Adjust each if needed until it reads ~5.0V.  
5. Start the ARC software.  
6. Click on the initialize board button. Enter hft_3021671300XXX where XXX is the last 3 digits of the hybrid serial number.  
7. Select the fast tests tab and run all tests.  
8. Select the all tests tab. Select and run the following tests:

pedestal : peak - inverter on , deconvolution - inverter on

pulse shape:  peak - inverter on , deconvolution - inverter on

raw noise

10. Run the script which creates the hft_3021671300XXX subdirectory and moves the data files to it.  
11. Start Root and run the fast test macro.  
12. From the data page note the values V125, A125, V250 and I250 here. V125 ____

A125 ____

V250 ____

I250  ____

13. Run the script which enters the Root files into the database. 
14. Exit the ARC software. Turn off the power supplies. Disconnect hybrid from ARC front end board.  

Patrick Gartung
Last modified: Tue Feb 25 11:36:45 PST 2003