UCSB has 3 functional module test stands that are controlled by ARCS software installed on 3 Windows computers: 'module1', 'module2' and 'module3'. Since the same ROOT file must be written to each time a module is tested (see Description of ARCS Testing Data), it is necessary for a common disk to be accessible from all 3 computers. This ensures that no matter which stand a module is tested on the same ROOT file is always updated. Samba is used to accomplish this. The following paths can be mapped from windows as user //higgs/~cms:
Windows Path Mapped Path // -> //
To map a network drive in Windows XP:
'My Computer'->'Tools'->'Map Network Drive'
Then select a Windows drive letter and enter:
Folder: \\\arcs_data
And select 'Finish'. You will be prompted for a user name and password, use the cms account on higgs. If a computer is rebooted, the drive will need to be mapped again.
Samba is installed at //higss/etc/samba. The file smb.conf controls the configuratin of Samba.