REM Set the installation directory SET INST_DIR=C:\TrackerDB SET LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%LD_LIBRARY_PATH%;%INST_DIR%\java\bin echo off echo " _____ _ ____ ____ " echo " |_ _| __ __ _ ___| | _____ _ __| _ \| __ ) " echo " | || '__/ _' |/ __| |/ / _ \ '__| | | | _ \ " echo " | || | | (_| | (__| < __/ | | |_| | |_) |" echo " |_||_| \__,_|\___|_|\_\___|_| |____/|____/ " echo "" echo "Starting ..." REM arg list REM arg0 = center REM arg1 = tool id REM arg2 = working directory (place where output and log files will be) REM arg3 = installation directory (place where you installed BB) REM arg4 = test or pro depending on which database you want to access REM arg5 = password for this database (obtain passwd - REM last arg which will be given when running script is the file to be processed. echo on %INST_DIR%\java\bin\java -classpath "%INST_DIR%\lib\xerces.jar;%INST_DIR%\lib\;%INST_DIR%\lib\jas.jar;%INST_DIR%\lib\hep.jar;%INST_DIR%\lib\jbcl.jar;%INST_DIR%\lib\mail.jar;%INST_DIR%\lib\Plot2D1.2.jar;%INST_DIR%\lib\cmstrk.jar" Update SANTA-BARBARA 803 C:\TrackerDB\xml_data %INST_DIR% pro UdBP!$p %1