CMS Construction & Electrical Testing
Since the Spring of 2003, I have been
intensely involved in the CMS construction effort as a member of the US CMS Silicon Tracker Group. UCSB and Fermilab share equal responsibility for construction of the TOB (Tracker Outer Barrel), the outer portion of the CMS Silicon Strip Tracker.
ARCS alpha testing and software development
I have worked with Torsten Franke and Michael Pottgens from III Physikalisches Institut B, RWTH Aachen, providing alpha and beta testing for ARCS software for electrical testing of CMS Silicon Strip Tracker components. I helped debug the xml parser in ARCS 7.2 Alpha.
CMS TrackerDB
The TrackerDB is a centralized Oracle database located in Lyon, France. Logistic and scientific data pertinent to the CMS Tracker are uploaded by CMS institutions around the world and stored.
I designed and implemented a CGI web interface to the TrackerDB that is now used at UCSB for inventory of components and to access data uploaded during the assembly, wirebonding, and testing stages of production. I also automated the uploading of testing data from the 4-Hybrid test station and the ARCS module testing stations. I am also the responsible contact for database issues concerning wirebonding, a job I took over after the departure of post doc Russel Taylor.
Phenomenology of Top mass measurements at CDF and CMS.
I have been working under the guidance of Joe Incandela, Chris Hill, and Jim Lamb on a phenomenological paper that applies a new method of top mass measurement, and makes predictions on top mass and top mass errors at CDF and CMS at the LHC using this method. My primary role has been to generate monte carlo data (for the CMS component of the paper) under the UAF CMS computing framework at Fermilab. I have also contributed to ROOT/C++ code for analysis of dilepton events in the CMS monte carlo data.