Physics 110B - Fall 2024 - Final Scoring
These are the distributions of scores on the homework,
midterm, final, and the total. (Reminder: total=15%
homework, 35% midterm, 50% final).

Then, based on the "total"
score, I assigned letters grades "roughly" as follows:
- > 90 A+
- > 76 A
- > 72 A-
- > 68 B+
- > 63 B
- > 60 B-
- > 58 C+
- > 55 C
- > 45 C-
- > 40 D+
- > 35 D
I say roughly because I bumped up letter
grades of several students as follows:
- if the combined score was very close to a
boundary, e.g, 75.9
- if the performance on the final was significantly better
than on the midterm
- if the combined score was hurt by a "poor" homework
These were all judgement calls that go in
favor of the students, please do not try to argue your case.