Reminder. A flat pdf between x1 and x2 has variance (x2-x1)/12.

For the product of random variables, I know
how to calculate the mean $m$ and the variance $v$.
(The variance at least approximately with
"propagation of errors")

Equations in
give the mean and the variance of the lognormal
in the terms of two parameters $\mu$ and $\sigma$ as
$m =$ exp($\mu + \sigma^2/2$) and
$v =$ (exp($\sigma^2$) - 1)exp($2\mu + \sigma^2)$ = $m^2$ (exp($\sigma^2$) - 1)
Can then solve for
$\sigma^2 = \log(1 + v/m^2)$ and
exp($\mu$) = $m$ exp(-$\sigma^2/2$)

The corresponding parameters of the scipy parametrization are
loc = 0
s = $\sigma$
scale = exp($\mu$)

I will superimpose to the data a "guessed" curve with the
three parameters above. I will also fit the data to a lognormal
(without fixing loc=0) and compare.

First: flat random numbers

Second: Gaussian random numbers

Same means and sigmas

Third: Gaussian random numbers

Different means and sigmas