Selected Publications
Search for new physics in events with same-sign dileptons and jets in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=8 TeV.
Published in JHEP, see arXiv:1311.6736
For CERN users: analysis SUS-13-013, AN 2013/120.
Search for direct top squark pair production in the single lepton channel with transverse mass at 8 TeV.
Published in European Physics Journal C, see arXiv:1308.1586v2
For CERN users: analysis SUS-13-011, AN 2013/089.
Current Projects
Dissertation: SS Dileptons
This is an update to the above-cited SS dilepton paper with higher collision energy and several strategic improvements.
Computing Operations for UCSB-UCSD-FNAL Group
With Jason Gran, I oversee much of the development for our group's software tools and computing needs.
CMS Software validation
My "service work" involves checking the new CMS software releases for changes in the muon reconstruction performance.
Past Projects
Stop Search with ISR: feasibility study for 1-lepton stop search along the mass-diagonal using recoil from ISR. Also cross-checked many results from the main stop search.
RPV Stop decay: supervised two undergradutes to study a particular RPV stop decay signature
ME-1/1 Electronics testing: with Frank Golf, received the boards and performed initial testing and debugging before shipping them to CERN for installation. Also tangentially involved in developing the boards.
OS Analysis Feasibility Study: investigated a potential search for T1tttt signal in events with final-state opposite-sign dileptons.
Isolation Study: investigated whether lepton fake rate could be reduced by additional isolation cuts
Worked briefly with Dr. David Stuart to investigate the use of low-cost silicon photomultipliers to detect Cerenkov photons in water.