[Finals Schedule] [Nelson] [Physics] [UCSB] [UC]

Physics 23 - Fall 2003

Study Problems are posted, at the bottom of the homework page.
Review Session is 1:30-3:30pm on Monday, Decembber 8 in 3302 Broida.
Final is Wednesday, December 10, 8-11am in North Hall 1105

We meet Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:00-9:15am in North Hall 1105. The first class is Tues., Sept. 23. The TA, Ford Garberson, will teach a section on Friday from 8:00 to 8:50 in North Hall 1109.

The lecturer is Harry Nelson, and the TA is Ford Garberson. Prof. Nelson's office hours are currently Fri. 2-4pm and by appointment in 5103 Broida, Ford Garberson's are currently Wed. 2-3pm, Thurs. 1-2pm, and Fri. 1:30-2:30pm in the PLC.

This is the third quarter of a core course on General Physics. The textbook is `University Physics' by Young and Freedman. We will cover material from Chapters 19 through 27 of Y. and F.. The principal planned topics include waves and electromagnetism.

One midterm is planned on Thursday, Oct. 23.

Homework is assigned on Tuesday, due on Friday by 4:30pm in the PLC.

Homework turned in up to one week late will have 50% of the score removed. Homework turned in more than one week late will be noted, but no points for credit will be given.

You may work with others on working out the problems, but you must write up solutions independently of one another.

The grading formula to be 50% Final, 25% Midterm, and 25% Problems.

The final will be on Wednesday, December 10, 8-11AM, in the same room as the lectures.

The lecture plan.

The homework assignments.

Notes on the volume and surface area of a sphere in n dimensions. Another nice discussion of this problem

Practice Midterm and Solutions

Some Science Links:
Particle Data Group Source of many useful tables
Nobel Prizes The Nobel e-Museum
Colloquia Online Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
BBC British Broadcasting Corporation Science Page
DMN Dallas Morning News Science Page (free registration required)
LAT Los Angeles Times Science Page
NYT New York Times Science Page
PT Physics Today (Registration required to view articles)

hnn@hep.ucsb.edu 12/7/03

[Finals Schedule] [Nelson] [Physics] [UCSB] [UC]
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