Physics 128 Report Grading Policy, Spring 2019
The reports should be concise reports of your work on each
experiment. The reports should be only a few pages. Subsequent to the title page, starting with the abstract, the text portion should not exceed 4 pages (using the template and its formatting at the bottom of this web page); we will reduce the grade if the length of the text portion exceeds 4 pages. You can add unlimited figures and tables; all figures and tables must have brief captions.
They will be graded using the following check list.
- 10 points: Title and abstract. You must have a title
and brief (few sentence) abstract that are a quick summary of what
you did and the result you obtained.
- 20 points: Introduction. Explain what you
measured and what it involves. This needn't, and shouldn't, be a
pedagoical discussion, just a short intro.
- 30 points:
Method. Explain how you did the measurement. This should be a
paragraph or two with a diagram or photo. Explain how you took data
and give the processed data, preferably in a table.
- 30 points: Results. Present your analyzed data either as
one or more tables or plots. These should be distilled rather
than raw plots, i.e., show the analyzed results not a dump of all the
raw data. An error analysis must be an integral part
of this discussion.
- 10 points: Outlook. If you didn't get good results,
discuss why. If you did get good results, what could be done to achieve
even better results, with lower errors, or more reliability?
A template for your report available here.
Last revision, 04/08/2019, Harry Nelson