Minutes of the May 19, 2005 US ROD meeting

Follow up on action items and new action items

  1. Scripts to compare MR with module data:
    Steve has it working.
    Still fine-tuning of cuts needed. Steve will also look at FNAL data.
    Progress. FNAL data still to do. Problem with saturation in inv on mode.

  2. UCSB: Sort out problem with bad lemo.
    Spares on the way from FNAL.

  3. UCSB: DS rod bad noise. But using modules that went through severe cycles.
    Need to put new modules on it and retest.
    On back-burner until modules become available.
    In the meantime take a couple of these modules off and see what they look like on ARCS.
    Look basically OK on ARCS, with lots of bad channles.
    Next: put DS rod back together, retest.

  4. UCSB: Tests of rod 178 (header-error rod from FNAL) continue. Swap
    module that gives errors to try to correlate with either rod or module.
    Put this on back-burner now that production has started.

  5. Lt SW bug that causes bad pulse shape. Valeri on it.
    May be OK if change parameters of CMN subtraction.
    Jim fixed at FNAl, need to propagate to FNAL.

  6. FNAL: Tested bunch of new HPK rods in SR. Two out of six have broken or shorted
    termistor. Strange because Lenny says that these are chcked on rod frame.
    Possibilities: bad check on rod frame, or bad connection through flat cable, or bad DCU on hybrid.
    Check module fast-test
    Probe with multimeter
    No news

  7. Wim request inclusion of PIA reset in scenario after connectivity test.

  8. FNAL: some bad DCU voltrages on SR, but not on MR. Needs fix.
    Not clear. Wim committed fix.

  9. FNAL sees problem in SR GUI connecting to DB.
    Jim to fix.

  10. New action item
    Javier has new DefectAnalyizer. Steve did not know about it.
    Get new code.


Doing I2C tests requested by CERN


Out of 20 rods built, 12 tested in MR.

I2C errors on position 4 also. header errors too.

Chiller moved closer to freezer.
Evidence for leak in long pipes, probably from non-compliant o-rings.


20 rods made. 19 passed SR, 1 failed with FEC errors.
Needs investigation.

12 tested in MR. I2C and header errors. Header errors more frequent on 6.