Minutes of the Mar 24, 2005 US ROD meeting
Follow up on action items
- The dryer for the UCSB compressed air system has not yet arrived.
The order was lost in purchasing. Resubmitted.
- One box is complete and the second box is being wired. Will
send to UCSB as soon as possible.
Done. Received. Works.
- Frederick confirmed the failure of the reset command to reach
rods in the FNAL SR system but other than that there has not
been much progress.
Problem persists on FNAL SR.
- Still problems with DefAna file corruption. Lenny to
see if Patrick can help.
- Jim has not yet started talking to JT about scripting the
comparison between ARCS and rod data.
- Noise studies in the UCSB MR system are on hold pending
work on their chiller system.
- Ryan and Jim agreed on a change to the SR scenario - to take
pedestals at the beginning without HV based on a suggestion
from Patrick - but Ryan still needs to implement this; then
Jim should double check the final scenario.
Tested 1st double sided rod. Temperature even with cooling
plates drifts too high. Hooking up chilled water. Worry about humidity.
Sending box of bare rods back to CERN for cleaning.
First production rod tested. (Actually, not quite production since
will need to be disassembled and sent back to CERN for cleaning.
Found problem: I2C communication errors on channel 19.
Details are here
Rod will be sent back.
MR dryer-filter cartridge installed.
Still many problems with header errors. Seem to be on some rods only.
Sent a problematic rod to UCSB for test.
Components for assembly of spare cables etc from Duccio still not here.
Shipment from CERN this week, maybe then?
Joe had requested 12 fiber bundles, 6 per site. Don't have them
Claudio to tell Joe to ask again.