Minutes of the Mar 10, 2005 US ROD meeting
Note change of meeting times: starting from next week,
the module meeting will be on Thuersdays 12:30 central, and the
rod meeting will follow it starting around 1:15. We have to
give up the video at 2:00 central.
Follow up on pending action items from last week's meeting:
- UCSB: can we improve humidity to go to lower T in multirod?
Air dryer on order - No news
- Want to read all DCU out, put in root file.
Still needs to be tried at UCSB.
- Hardware to check all rod monitoring
First set is being wired.
- Standalone redundancy ring check for SR
OK, but hard time with reset without power-cycling at FNAL.
UCSB seems OK. Ryan asking Frederic for help.
- Defect analyzer for MR
UCSB still needs to try it out.
- Jim to start talking to JT about scripts for ARC/ROD comparison
No news
- Worse noise in the cold at UCSB
No news because of issue with MR stand (see below).
- Reading out the currents in SR
Done with CAEN at both sites
- UCSB to double check scenario for SR
Still on the list.
Corrosion Issue
3M finds no HF in fluid, but it could have evaporated.
They do find water droplets, pH=8
We now suspect galvanic corrosion
Doing tests with brass and zinc-plated pieces in water, C6H14.
Also zinc-plated in C6H14. See corrosion in water after one day (!)
CERN suggests that we put filter in the lines to take water out.
Both UCSB and FNAL are looking into it.
FNAL safety lifted veto on using the MR stand.
Stainless steel quick-connects have been ordered, bot in yet.
Seems OK now.
Still crashes when making plots. Not a fatal problem, can make
plots with separate macro.
Other issues
DS rod made at UCSB, not tested yet.
Start making rods with HPK as soon as encapsulation issue is settled.
But don't make too many until testing systems can keep up.