Minutes of the Mar 3, 2005 US ROD meeting
Follow up on pending action items from last week's meeting:
- UCSB: can we improve humidity to go to lower T in multirod?
Air dryer on order - No news
- Want to read all DCU out, put in root file.
Ryan's macro now spits them out, including nominal calibration.
Needs to be tried at UCSB. Question of tollerances.
- Hardware to check all rod monitoring
Some parts were temporarily lost in Fermilab internal mail.
Now all there. Ready to assemble.
- Standalone redundancy ring check for SR
Ryan: needs new version of FEC SW. Basically working, but details
to be worked out.
- Defect analyzer for MR
Ready, except for XML. UCSB still needs to try it out.
- Jim to start talking to JT about scripts for ARC/ROD comparison
No news
- UCSB to test a few bare rods to investigate problem seen at FNAL
Problem now solved. See Ryan's mail.
- Worse noise in the cold at UCSB
No news because of issue with MR stand (see below).
Towards Production
Discussion of what it takes to get ready for imminent start of
First step: commission single rod stand.
This needs action
items 2-3-4 above.
Also, other action items for SR:
- Reading out the currents
At UCSB, with electrometers. Had problems with driver, now partially fixed
At FNAL, with CAEN, I (CC) did not understand whether it is working or not.
Implement CAEN readout at both sides first. Then electrometers.
- Scenario. In principle settled.
Ryan will send his scenario to UCSB to make sure
The goal should be to have as much as possible
of the SR stand commissioned by the next meeting.
Looks like possible to do everything, except probably getting
hardware to check rod monitoring to UCSB by then.
Next: MR
Stability is OK but corrosion found on freezer fittings.
See UCSB elog.
Incompatible with known properties of C6F14.
Needs to be understood before we can proceed.
Other issues
- Still intermittent header problems on some rods in MR at FNAL.
May be correlated with bad modules (CMN, high current, etc)
Will try to see if reproducible on SR
- Wim wants joint meeting with chip experts, optohybrid experts, etc,
to try to figure out remaining header problems.
First we'll see if they are reproducible on different teststand.