Minutes of the August 11, 2005 US ROD meeting
Crate arrived at CERN today.
Stereo hybrids arriving.
Issues with tail bending cleared up with UCSB. New glue for
HV connectors like UCSB.
New Wisconsin student working on LTstruct to dump raw data to file.
Expect presentation next week.
Received mainframe from CAEN. Now have 1 spare.
Still building more version 6 rods (none since last week).
Nine rods still at FNAL. All working except 1 problem (lasers).
Tested new ICC (version 7) cards: all fine, no I2C errors.
Installed new DefAna from Steve Jaditz (different normalization).
Still one error in XML file.
Yuri has seen no header errors for a while, but Steve at UCSB has.
On the other hand, Steve has been using old FEC SW.
Action item: Steve to install new FEC SW at UCSB,
see if header errors persist.
Slawek reports that optical FEC at CERN not ready, need mods.
Not clear
when we'll get them.
Slawek also says that various SW do different things,
e.g., send or not send resets after each DAQ loop.
That's why one should use ProgramTest to really test things.
Action item: FNAL to run ProgramTest for long time
AC in chiller's enclosure, now can go to -28C.
Problem with DIM server gone after computer reboot (Good).
Struggling to understand thermistors.
Perhaps get info from Vienna box, not clear.
Add some line to XML file, then consult with FNAL.
Not much progress in verifying upload of XML file.