Transfer to Ringframe:
1. Description:
DFA's must be transferred from the shipping fixture to a ringframe for
further survey and testing.
2. Steps:
- Use ringframes with rails on both sides to make
it easier to position the upilex and turn the DFA over if needed.
- Recheck the G-10 to make sure it fits
properly in ringframe. Use the 1/8 inch dowel pins to hold the G-10 in the
ringframe, and the 2 mm dowels pins to hold the Upilex in its proper
- Make sure ringframe is clean and assembled properly, and a black box labeled with the DFA name is readily available.
- Transfer the DFA to the ringframe. Tighten down the clamps
and place the upilex on the 2 mm dowels pins.
- Place clear plastic covers over wafers on both sides for
- Write the DFA number on both sides of the ringframe.
(I usually put it on the end located near the bias connector, because no
rails or plastic covers cover this area.)
3. People to ask if problems
- Julie May
- Susanne Kyre
- Doug Roberts