Tape Down Upilex
After a DFA has been transferred to a ringframe,
upilex must be taped down to the G-10 to secure its position.
2. Steps:
- You will need the following tools to tape down
upilex: regular scotch tape, stir stick, gloves, wide double-sided tape
(one side is stickier than the other), white Teflon bridge, Tan Teflon
coated cloth, scalpel, and Green Teflon coated tweezers.
- Lift up the upilex with the Teflon tweezers and
position stir stick under upilex. Tape stir-stick to the rails of the ringframe.
(This holds up the upilex to make it easier to place the tape on the G-10.)
- Clean G-10 with isopropanol.
- Mark the G-10 to the length you want the tape
to be.
- Use the double-sided tape that is in the big
tape dispenser. On the side of tape dispenser it tells you the sticker
side is towards you. Use the stickier side on the G-10 and the not so sticky
side towards you. (You will have to turn it over before you place it on
the G-10.)
- Use gloves so no oil from your hands gets on
the upilex.
- Begin carefully placing tape on G-10. Place tape
at mark made on G-10 and use white Teflon bridge to smooth tape as you
apply it. The fewer bubbles in the tape the smoother the upilex is on the
- Place tape across entire width of G-10 and trim
tape a small distance away from 2 mm dowel pins with the scalpel.
- After applying tape to G-10, place the Teflon
cloth on top of the tape. Press it firmly onto the tape and lift it off
and place it back down again but do not press down on it this time.
- Carefully take stir stick out from under upilex.
- Place upilex on the 2 mm dowel pins.
- Gently pull the Teflon cloth back towards the
wafers a small distance at a time pushing down on the upilex with the white
Teflon bridge. Try not to slide the bridge on the upilex it can scratch
the upilex.
- Gently slide the Teflon cloth out from under
one side of the G-10.
- Finish pressing firmly with the bridge until
upilex is smooth and taped completely on G-10.
- Follow the same steps on the phi side.
3. People to ask if problems
- Julie May
- Susanne Kyre
- Doug Roberts