DFA Survey in Shipping
1. Description:
The purpose of this survey is to check whether
the DFA's fiducial marks and Upilex trees/holes are in their proper positions.
2. Steps:
- Position the DFA (z side up) properly under microscope (as shown in
the white survey binder located next to the microscope screen) and secure
it with dowel pins.
- Open the corresponding blank survey sheet located in \\electron\babar\survey\excel\blanks
(e.g., d01f.xlt for layer 1 forward DFA), and save it in \\electron\babar\survey\excel\results
under the part's name (e.g., d01f-01.xls for d01f.01) .
- Follow the steps outlined in the white survey binder.
- After the Z-side survey Julie, Susanne, or Doug can turn the DFA over
for the Phi-side survey.
- Position the DFA properly (phi side up) under the microscope, as shown
in the while survey binder located next to the microscope screen, and secure
it with dowel pins.
- Follow the steps outlined in the survey binder and save the results
in the corresponding file in \\electron\babar\survey\excel\results.
NOTE: 1. Layer 3 DFA’s must be put into special survey fixtures
before they can be surveyed. Susanne or Julie can do this.
2. While surveying class A or class B parts, please wear masks, smocks,
and hats.
After the survey is done, enter the corresponding entry into the DFA production database!
3. People to ask if problems
- Julie May
- Natalia Kuznetsova