- Description:
This test is intended to be a long-term detector
stability test.
- Steps:
To do a burn-in, perform the following steps:
- On OMEGA, either start LabVIEW in the usual way,
or click on the Dormview icon on the SVT_lab toolbar normally displayed
in the right hand corner of the screen, which will open DORMVIEW.VI automatically.
If you simply start LabVIEW, this vi is located in D:/LabVIEW/NataiaTemp/.
Open this vi, as well as the vi(s) that corresponds to the dorm(s) you
would like to use (e.g., DORM1.VI for dorm1).
- Start DORMVIEW.VI before you start DORM1.VI
(or whatever dorm vi you are using). DORMVIEW.VI controls the execution
of all the dorm vi’s, and must be run first to ensure proper software
- The burn-in is intended to last for about a week at the operating voltage. The list of operating voltages is available from the Pisa Web site for layer 1, layer 2, and layer 3 parts. Select the highest operating voltage from the two values for the two wafers. Notice that this voltage is the voltage across
the detector, not the applied voltage displayed on the supply. The
"voltage" chart in the lower right hand corner of the DORM#.VI
displays the actual voltage across the detector. So, if the operating voltage
is 30V, make sure 30V is displayed on the chart; the applied voltage will
normally be somewhat higher (e.g., 33V). The voltage across the detector
will change if the detector currents change, and should either be adjusted
if it changes too much (we are still do define how much is "too much"!),
or perhaps the test should be terminated entirely.
- After the burn-in is done, enter the corresponding entry into the DFA database.
- The data from the burn-in should be located in
D:/LabIEW/NataliaTemp/DataLogs/, under the part directory (e.g., for D02B.10
the directory will be d02b10). There will be a directory there called dr######
(dr stands for "dorm run", and the 6-digit number is the run
number which is also displayed on the front panel of the corresponding
dorm vi during the run). This directory, in turn, will contain two files:
dr######.dat, with data (voltage, bias and guard currents, and temperature
and humidity, taken every hour) and dr######.inf, with some information
about the run. After the burn-in is finished, the dr###### directory with these two files is automatically copied to the part's directory in //ELECTRON/svt_lab/DfaTests/DataLogs/.
- Put the automatically printed out burn-in results into the part's binder
- People to ask if problems arise:
- Sam Burke
- Natalia Kuznetsova (esp. software problems)